We manufacture duplex hooks per DIN Standard 15402 or to similar standards (BS…) up to hook number 250, equivalent to a lifting capacity of 1000 metric tons.

Since these hooks are manufactured with an open die process, you may specify a longer shank length (dimension L1) than is standard.

HOOK Nº a1 a2 b1 d1 f h l1 Aprox. WEIGHT(Kg.)
 2,5 50 40 40 42 208 50 250 6,5
4 56 45 48 48 238 60 280 9,5
5 63 50 53 53 266 67 312 12,5
6 71 56 60 60 301 75 375 19
8 80 63 67 67 337 85 415 24
10 91 71 75 75 377 95 450 45
12 100 80 85 85 421 106 510 60
16 112 90 95 95 471 118 580 80
20 125 100 106 106 531 132 650 108
25 140 112 118 118 598 150 715 155
32 160 125 132 131 672 170 790 195
40 180 140 150 150 754 190 885 280
50 200 160 170 170 842 212 965 388
63 224 180 190 190 944 236 1090 539
80 250 200 212 212 1063 265 1235 750
100 280 224 236 236 1186 300 1375 1050
125 315 250 265 265 1330 335 1550 1480
160 355 280 300 300 1505 375 1745 2100
200 400 315 335 335 1685 425 1998 3000
250 450 355 375 375 1885 475 2250 4250


15400 SHANK LENGTH : l1 = DIN; in case of l1 > DIN: contact please

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